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Bladerunner reviewed

Dec 12th, 2010 | By

If you missed my first post about BladeRunner, you can find it here. One thing I can say about using the BladeRunner is that the cuts are a lot cleaner, and there is very little need for a rasp.   As the unit cuts the drywall paper on both sides at the same time, breaking away
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BASF Walltite ECO® – the pitch

Feb 12th, 2010 | By

While we had originally decided to go with Tiger Foam as it was geared for the do it yourselfer. It turned out that it would actually be about the same cost to have the house insulated professionally. While that is not normally the case, it was for us due to the local cost of the
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BladeRunner – the pitch

Dec 9th, 2009 | By
BladeRunner – the pitch

If you have ever installed drywall you know that nothing has changed in the way it is installed in the last twenty years.   So when I saw the advertisement for the BladeRunner, I wanted to check it out.  The concept seems simple enough.  The tool is designed so that each half contains a sharp cutting
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Tiger Foam

Dec 1st, 2009 | By

Tiger Foam Insulation™ quick curing, recyclable, two-component spray polyurethane foam insulation kits are manufactured to ASTM E-84 Specifications and classified as a fire-rated foam insulation. ( Once we decided to go with spray foam, it was not that much of a leap to decide to go with the denser of the two types of spray
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Building Insulation

Aug 17th, 2009 | By

Much like the building envelope, insulation is something that we all take for granted. It is not sexy, but it is something that is needed if you want your house to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. So we can put R-20 in the walls and R-40 in the attic and
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Building Envelope

Jul 2nd, 2009 | By

One thing I never realized when I started my building our home was how important the building envelop is to the whole process of being energy efficient. It is one of the most over looked areas in home construction. The only houses that seem to focus on the building envelop are the net zero homes
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Warmboard – the pitch

Feb 17th, 2009 | By
Warmboard – the pitch

“Warmboard combines a structural subfloor and a thermodynamically sophisticated radiant panel into one simple component of your radiant heating system.” ( One advantage of the Warmboard product is due to the high conductivity and low thermal mass of the aluminum which allows it to better respond to an increase or decrease in temperature. As each
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A new adventure begins

Sep 25th, 2007 | By

It is finally going to happen. Tomorrow our old home for the past eight years is going to be torn down to make way for our new home.  While it was not an easy decision to to tear down our old home, I we think it was the right decision.  While the old home suited our needs,
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